Author: admin

  • 2 Critical Steps For Losing Belly Fat

    2 Critical Steps For Losing Belly Fat

    Getting right to the meat of the issue – There are 2 Critical Steps to address first before we can lose belly fat: Lowering Stress Levels Lowering Insulin Levels Belly fat is literally a killer! It kills self esteem, it kills energy levels, it kills mood and can eventually kill you! Bold statement? Not really, so…

  • 4 Big Fat Loss Mistakes

    4 Big Fat Loss Mistakes

    We sometimes get over zealous when starting a new diet, or weight loss regime and make some critical mistakes. Chances are you’re like most people, you will make mistakes and possibly never reach your fat loss goal. It doesn’t have to be so hard. We tend to complicate things that are really very simple. The…

  • Psychological Effects of Creating a Habit For Weight Loss

    Psychological Effects of Creating a Habit For Weight Loss

    Does it sound outlandish to think creating a habit for weight loss has psychological effects on the body? Well it shouldn’t because it is absolutely true! Most folks can try “anything” for 21 days right? You’ve probably heard it takes 21 days for a habit to develop. There is true science behind the brain changes our…

  • Amazing Lemon Water For Those Cravings

    Amazing Lemon Water For Those Cravings

    Does holiday eating make you sluggish? Fudge, cookies, cakes, pies… it’s all so good and so very tempting, so we indulge. Most of us are guilty. Constant deprivation from all the treats and goodies can create a binge monster that eats everything in sight. Lemon water can put a halt to some of those cravings…

  • Fighting Colds With Superfoods

    Fighting Colds With Superfoods

    Superfoods – they are healthy, nutrient-dense foods that nourish your body and help the cells grow and reproduce. While they aid your body’s defenses they work to ward off attacks from cold causing germs. In preparing your body to do battle low-fat meats, fruits, vegetables, and whole grains all play a part. Water is a…

  • A New Eating Plan: A New Year- A New You

    A New Eating Plan: A New Year- A New You

    A New Year will get off to a good start if you make a plan to eat healthier. A good plan consists of : First, have a willingness to make a change in your eating diet, schedule and portions Next, just cut down on the holiday snacking we all got in a habit of  by…

  • Wheat Belly Pizza – Wheat Free Diet Approved

    Wheat Belly Pizza – Wheat Free Diet Approved

    This wheat-free pizza recipe was featured on Dr. Oz’s wheat free diet recipes. If you are aiming to go with gluten free or wheat free for the Wheat Belly Diet then this might be a pizza recipe you enjoy trying. Good wholesome ingredients and low carb recipes are always good choices to add to your…

  • Most Effective Diet?–It’s Your Choice

    Most Effective Diet?–It’s Your Choice

    But read on for my candid look … With all the diet plans available, how does the average person know which one is the most effective diet to choose? Keeping this point in mind, here are some facts about the most popular diets today with a few details about how they work. No one diet…

  • Foods That Help You Lose Weight



    Foods That Help You Lose Weight Everybody that tries to diet or eat healthy has the dilemma of deciding foods that help you lose weight instead of gain. Dieting, processed foods, pre-packaged meals or diet pills don’t usually work. Wouldn’t you rather just eat real, tasty, healthy food? I’m sure you do just want real…

  • Staying Motivated To Lose Weight

    Staying Motivated To Lose Weight

    Staying motivated to lose weight is difficult for those of us who struggle with our diet and weight loss. Seems like everyone gets motivated to lose a little weight when January rolls around every year, but the desire to continue past Valentine’s Day turns into a bit of a struggle. So, here are a few…